Nurturing – 20 Writing Prompts for April

The #1000Speak movement continues to grow, and we now have over 1500 bloggers uniting on the 20th of each month to fill the internet with GOOD.  Our first month’s topic was Compassion and there were so many awesome posts from participants that it caused a wave.  Even more bloggers were part of the group for our next topic, Building from Bullying, and collectively, we put out some amazing articles about that too.

April’s #1000Speak topic is Nurturing.  If you want to participate but aren’t sure what to write about, take a look at the following prompts to give you some ideas.  If you have an idea you don’t see here, feel free to leave it in the comments.


  1. How can we nurture compassion for the Earth in our children?
  2. Nurturing our inner activist
  3. Nurturing emotional awareness in our kids or in ourselves
  4. How do you nurture your mental health in stressful times?
  5. In what ways do you feel you nurture your children and how do you encourage them to nurture those around them?
  6. How do you nurture creativity in yourself and others?
  7. How to nurture our body and soul through compassionate food choices
  8. Describe your most nurturing relationship. What made it different than other relationships?
  9. Write about nurturing relationships between nations
  10. Nature vs. Nurture – which is stronger?
  11. Do you believe compassion is simply in our nature or must it be nurtured to thrive?
  12. Do you believe girls are raised to be more nurturing than boys? Why?
  13. List 10 things you do to nurture yourself on a regular basis.
  14. Was there a time you wish you had been more nurturing to someone or a time you wish someone had been more nurturing to you?
  15. How to nurture yourself while taking care of someone else
  16. Where does nurturing end and indulging begin?
  17. What is your earliest memory of being nurtured?
  18. How can we nurture a culture of service and volunteering?
  19. Earth Day is April 22nd – what can you do to nurture the Earth?
  20. April is Autism Awareness month – write about nurturing a child with special needs, or how to nurture oneself while caring for an autistic child.  What can we do to nurture the siblings of special needs children?

If you haven’t already joined us on Facebook, please join the group for more ideas and inspiration on the topic of Nuturing.  Follow 1000Speak on Twitter to connect with other participants as well.

If you don’t have a blog, or know a non-blogger who wants to participate, please email and we will arrange to publish your post here on the blog on April 20th.  The more voices talking about Nurturing the better!

12 thoughts on “Nurturing – 20 Writing Prompts for April

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